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Director of Community Development

Hudy Abrams is an adult educator and mom of 7, living in Woodmere NY.
She recently relocated from Dallas, TX, where she was the the co-founder and co-director of The Jewish Learning Center, JLC Hebrew School, and Rebbetzin of The JLC shul.
Hudy has run countless programs, events and classes for Jewish families across the spectrum of observance, and has led hundreds of women on life-changing missions to Israel.
Hudy is most passionate about empowering Jewish women to uncover their unique gifts and step into their greatest selves.
Her authenticity and ability to connect easily with others and her transformational teaching style have made her classes, talks, chaburos and workshops, popular among women across the country.
Hudy joins the Chizuk Mission Team with a wealth of experience in teaching, coaching, leading, and community building, and is excited to help further grow this incredible movement.

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